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The above map gives you an overview of the requirements of your state, but each state has specific constraints attached to their requirements. Below will be a more detailed account of your states requirements, but always check your Secretary of State Notary Education and Exam Requirements The above map gives you an overview of the requirements of your state, but each state has specific constraints attached to their requirements. Below will be a more detailed account of your states requirements, but always check your Secretary of State’s website for specifics regarding your state. Alabama: Not required. Alaska: Not Required. Arkansas: Not required. Arizona: Not required. Though education nor an exam are required, the State offers free online and in-person training to allow you to learn more about the duties of a notary public. California: Education AND exam required. A 6-hour course is required for new notaries and a 3-hour course for renewing notaries. Renewing applicants must renew before the expiration of their commission, for if their commission expires, then they must complete a 6-hour course. Colorado: Education AND exam required. New applicants must complete a notary training course and pass the State of Colorado’s online Notary Exam before their application can be processed. Renewing applicants only have to complete the course and exam if their commission has been expired for more than 30 days. ­ Connecticut: Exam required. The Secretary of State’s office will administer the written exam. Delaware: Not required. District of Columbia: Orientation required. Similar to an exam, the orientation will ensure the applicants have an understanding of the notarial rules and regulations in D.C. Florida: Education course required for new notaries. It is a 3-hour state-approved course which can be taken online or in the classroom. NPU has an online option. Georgia: Not required. Hawaii: Exam required. You can sign-up for the exam, after you have submitted your application, at the Secretary of State’s website. It is a closed-book exam, with a minimum of 80% passing. Idaho: Not required. Illinois: Not required. Indiana: Not required. Iowa: Not required. Kansas: Not required. Kentucky: Not required. Louisiana: Exam required. If you are an attorney, licensed to practice law in the state of Louisiana, you are exempt from this. Instructions for the required pre-assessment before the exam and instructions for signing-up for your exam can be found on the Secretary of State’s website. Maine: Exam required. The exam is included in the application to become or renew your commission. Can be found on the Secretary of State’s site. Maryland: Not required. Massachusetts: Not required. Michigan: Not required. Minnesota: Not required. Mississippi:Not required. Missouri: Education course required for all notaries. It is a 3-hour, state-approved course. NPU offers an online, state-approved course which can be accessed 24/7. Montana: Education required. There is a free online training course offered by the Secretary of State. Nebraska: Exam required for new notaries. The exam is a written, take-home test issued by the Secretary of State. Nevada: Education required. All new notaries must complete the course; only renewing notaries whose commission has been expired for over a year or renewing notaries who have had a violation in the past four years must also take the education course. Instructions can be found on the Secretary of State’s site. New Hampshire: Not required. New Jersey: Not required. New Mexico: Not required. Though education nor an exam are required, the Secretary of State provides a Basic Training Video for your knowledge. New York: Exam required. The exam is a written, in-person test. The locations and instructions can be found on the Secretary of State’s site. North Carolina: Education AND exam required. The education course is only required for new notaries (renewing notaries and anyone licensed by the state bar do not have to take the education course). The exam is required for all notaries (new and renewing). The exam requires an 80% or better to pass. Instructions can be found on the Secretary of State’s site. North Dakota: Not required. Ohio: Not required. Oklahoma: Not required. Oregon: Education and exam required. 3-hour, state-approved course. All new notaries are required to complete the education course, only renewing notaries whose commission has expired are required to complete the education course. The course can be online or in-person, and information can be found on the Secretary of State’s site. Pennsylvania: Education required. All notaries (new and renewing) must take a 3-hour, state-approved course six (6) months prior to applying. Rhode Island: Not required. South Carolina: Not required. South Dakota:Not required. Tennessee:Not required. Texas:Not required. U.S. Virgin Islands: Not required. Utah:Exam required. The exam is solely offered by the State and is online and open book. The State offers a study guide, and provides instructions online. Vermont: Not required. Virginia:Not required. Washington: Not required. West Virginia: Not required. Wisconsin:Not required. Wyoming: Not required.